  • 충효동 점토 광물산지
  • 충효동 점토 광물산지
  • 충효동 점토 광물산지
  • 충효동 점토 광물산지
  • 충효동 점토 광물산지
  • 충효동 점토 광물산지
충효동 점토 광물산지
Chunghyodong Clay Mineral Site (Historical Site no. 141) is located on the northern ridge of Mudeungsan. The site is a representative kiln where the characteristics and transitional processes of whiteware production (15th century) can be understood by studying the remains. At the site, four kilns and about 3 m high shard deposit, of which date of production can be inferred, were discovered and studied by Gwangju National Museum in 1991. Development of kiln sites over different time periods can be observed by studying the sedimentary layers (3.5 m deep) of Chunghyodong Clay Mineral Site. Studying clay minerals, used to make white porcelain, provides information on the cultural and geological relationship of the people who lived at the time. Today, some areas of the site are protected by guard towers. Chunghyodong Clay Mineral Site shows that humans have created beautiful works of art using the clay minerals found in Mudeungsan. The site reveals the relationship between geology and culture as soil was used to create such art works. The origin of kaolin, used for making white porcelain, is still unclear, however, it is clear that saggars, dojimi (a support which is placed beneath porcelain during production), white porcelain, and grayish-blue powdered celadon were made of granite and andesite found in Mudeungsan.